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A vaping ban would be hysteria masquerading as prudence.

A vaping ban would be hysteria masquerading as prudence.

A vaping ban would be hysteria masquerading as prudence.

A vaping ban would be hysteria masquerading as prudence.
September 23, 2019 2 Comments

A Washington Post article written by a reporter who says:

"President Trump is proposing to ban flavored cartridges, apparently endorsing the theory — common among people who neither smoke nor vape — that these products appeal only to children. In fact, the majority of adult vapers select flavors other than tobacco because — and I speak as a former smoker — tobacco tastes kind of gross. Most smokers merely endured it for that divine rush of nicotine."

Click >>HERE<< to read the full article.

2 Responses


Oct 01, 2019

Isn’t this the same president that thought throwing a hydrogen bomb at a hurricane would stop it? Wow keep following this undereducated individual who has made most of his fortune and power based on the money his father gave him lol!!!


Oct 01, 2019

This is merely a clever tax marketing plan by cigarette companies and also the governments of the United States and Canada to make more money from those people who smoke cigarettes. When I was 16 I worked on a tobacco farm and I have seen these companies add wood, preservatives, and also assorted chemicals to cigarettes to enhance no only the money made from cigarettes but also the risk of cancer due to the fact that all these products are potentially between a level 1-3 on the top cancer causing products in the world. The reason doctors do not like these products is the fact that they will make more money from cancer and lung based illnesses related to smoking than they would from vaping products. All doctors make a commission from services they provide and the products they use such as pills and Kemo based products. It is merely a sick scheme to make money from people based on products that reduce the lifespan of the user. When you read an article that says 9 out of ten dentists suggest this toothpaste why would you buy it when a dentist’s majority of pay is based upon making money on cavities and root canals. I know this personally as the son of a orthodontist and dentist. He has stated to me that most products sold do not work as they are built to continue to fill the pockets of dentists. This is the same with anyone in the medical field. They worry about e cigarettes but you rarely hear any comments on opiate drugs which are highly addicting and are way more powerful than even heroine itself as heroine does not even compare to the purity of refined opiates. Ultimately, your government only uses you as a pawn to fill its own pockets which is clear within the healthcare regulations of any country. If they really cared about wellness, why would they sell tobacco products, endorse tobacco products, and also say that they are better than vaping? Seriously Canadians, do not buy into the sophistry of your government who is constantly raising tax, not supporting Canadians, and constantly inventing problems for solutions that have helped thousands or even millions of people quit smoking.

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